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Filtering and Monitoring Information

Why do we need filtering and monitoring systems?

The internet is used regularly as part of our learning in school. It is a key tool for children to help them access information to support their learning in class and carry out educational tasks. However, despite its may benefits the internet can also be an area of concern due to the nature of potentially harmful content available online. There are many reasons why filtering and monitoring are required. In school the purpose is to ensure that children do not access unsuitable/inappropriate content.

What is filtering and monitoring?

Filtering means blocking harmful internet sites and inappropriate content.    We use a recognised service provider – Smoothwall – that filters harmful and inappropriate content. Smoothwall is a member of the Internet Watch Foundation. We use a firewall and robust antivirus software. We use an encrypted and password protected WiFi network. We manage data in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

Monitoring is the way we check that our systems are effective and that we respond swiftly to incidents of concern. We use a recognised service provider – Securus – which monitors every key stroke and screen tap on both laptops and mobile devices for all users in school. 

We receive daily reports from both Smoothwall and Securus and these are followed up rigorously to ensure all users are kept safe in school.

Our filtering system blocks access to harmful sites and inappropriate content without stopping children from recognising their responsibility in keeping themselves and others safe, and without negatively impacting our teaching and learning provision.

The staff members for ensuring that filtering and monitoring procedures are in place and checking daily reports are Mrs Hamill and Miss Truelove. The governor responsible for ensuring that filtering and monitoring procedures are in place is Mrs Elias.

For more information on how to monitor and use filtering at home, click on the links below that discuss parental controls:

What do we ask children to do online?

Our children regularly access websites as part of their computing lessons and as part of the wider curriculum. Our children may be asked to research particular topics on the internet.

Which sites do we use?

Across the school children may access a range of websites including:

DB Primary (this is accessed through our school website)

TimesTable Rockstars



Bug Club

Accelerated Reader

Purple Mash

Below are different search engines we may use when using the internet.

Who do our children interact with online?

Children may interact with external learning providers, for example, online workshops to support Safer Internet Day. External learning always occurs with the class teacher and/or another appropriate adult present.

What is the role of the DSL regarding online safety and filtering and monitoring?

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Hamill.  Alongside the safeguarding team, including Miss Truelove as the Online Safety Lead, Mrs Hamill is responsible for ensuring that the correct procedures and policies for online safety are in place. The DSL is responsible for ensuring that children are taught how to keep themselves safe online and the risks associated with internet use, including social media. This ensures that our children are empowered to recognise online risks and harmful behaviours, and how to access support. The DSL is responsible for ensuring that staff are well trained in the procedures and policies regarding online safety and how to respond to incidents of concern. The DSL is responsible for ensuring that parents can access resources and advice on how to keep their children safe online. These are accessible on our website under the Key Information - Safeguarding and Online Safety tab. The DSL is responsible for working with other senior leaders and our IT technicians to ensure that our filtering and monitoring systems are robust and effective.

If you have any questions about our school approach to filtering or monitoring please speak to Mrs Hamill or Miss Truelove.

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