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Welcome to our school's website

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A warm welcome to St Peter and St Paul Church of England (VA) Primary School

At St Peter and St Paul Church of England Primary School, we offer an inclusive Christian education to all our children.

Ours is a happy, family school where each child is valued as a unique individual with different talents, skills and aspirations.

We encourage and challenge our children to always strive ‘to be the best you can be’ and provide the opportunities, support and encouragement for them to discover and grow their God-given talents.

We have high expectations; we expect our children to work hard, behave well, dress smartly and to take pride and care in all that they do both inside and outside the classroom.

We endeavour to provide an environment in which our children can learn and develop into responsible, confident and caring members of the community, who are well prepared for their future lives.

Our aim is to continue to improve our outstanding school, focusing on high achievement for all.  Our ethos is one of putting children first, valuing uniqueness and diversity, raising aspirations and developing life-long learners, within the context of a loving and supportive Christian family.

Our Christian Values Are:

Our school values of...

honesty, respect, teamwork, love and kindness underpin all that we do and are used to guide our children in leading a good life.  These values were chosen by the children of our school and we strive to achieve them every day.

 Our Mission:

'To Learn, Love, Live in the Light of the Lord'

Our mission statement encapsulates our core purpose that our children learn, love and live their lives following Christ's teachings.

 Working together our vision is to be:

​​​An inclusive community where Christian values are evident in all we do.

A learning community where children and adults are nurtured and challenged to achieve the highest levels academically, creatively, personally, morally and spiritually.

A school where children are equipped with the skills, attitudes and values to embrace their future lives and the global family with confidence.

A school which is a beacon of learning within our community.

"Jesus said, let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God."  (Mark 10:14)

I hope you find our website informative and helpful.

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