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Family Wellbeing

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Parenting Guides, Groups and Courses


Parenting courses and advice https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/children-families/family-support/parenting

'Me and My Mind' is running online workshops about supporting children with anxiety and worry.  They recently ran a coffee morning in school and you can find their powerpoint here.

The East Sussex Parenting Guide for July to September is full of information, webinars, discussion groups and courses for parents.

The Rother Family Hub runs Baby Groups and Under 5's Groups.

Sidley Family Hub is running a Dad's Group on the last Saturday of each month from 9.30-10.30am.  This is a free group for Dads and male carers with children under 5.

Sidley Family Hub is running a free after school club for Reception to Year 6.

Family Hub, East Sussex is a new group that offers a wide range of support from emotional wellbeing to dealing with financial, housing or employment challenges.

The East Sussex School Health Service is delighted to offer a programme: HENRY 5-12 Healthy Families Growing Up.  This is an 8 week programme for parents and carers of children aged 5 - 12, aimed at developing a healthier, happier lifestyle the whole family can enjoy.  The programme covers 5 themes of: feeling more confident as a parent; physical activity for the whole family; what children and the whole family eats; family lifestyle habits; and enjoying life as a family.  The programme is delivered by the East Sussex School Health Service.    

East Sussex School Health Service also offers the HENRY FUSSY Easting Workshop.  This one off session for parents and carers of primary aged children helps with finding solutions for coping with children who are not interested in food or eat a limited range of foods.


Family Lives https://www.familylives.org.uk

Open for Parents https://www.openforparents.org.uk

Positive Mental Health

We understand that all of us at some point would benefit from support to get through difficult times in our lives.  Below are some links to local and national services to support with wellbeing and mental health.  Recently, we hosted a 'Me and My Mind' workshop for parents in school; the parents who attended found the workshop very useful - here is the powerpoint to share with you all.  


  • Mindshift 
  • Stay Alive
  • Mood Tools - Depression Advice 


Sussex Mental healthline https://www.sussexpartnership.nhs.uk/sussex-mental-healthline and they also have a link for children and young people here.

The Sussex Mental Health Line provides support and information and can be contacted on 0800 0309 500 and further information can be found on the Sussex Partnership website.

East Sussex Combat Stress https://1space.eastsussex.gov.uk/Services/2433/Combat-Stress

East Sussex Health in Mind https://www.healthinmind.org.uk

For a free confidential conversation with a trained volunteer text SUSSEX to 85258.

Recipes 4 Wellbeing from Sussex NHS https://www.sussexcamhs.nhs.uk/resources/resources-for-families-carers-and-professionals/recipes-4-wellbeing

The School Health Service provides a confidential text messaging service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 5 to 19 and young people aged 11 to 19, the telephone number is 07507 332 473. They also have a School Health One Point telephone line which is 0300 123 4062 and an online referral form https://www.kentcht.nhs.uk/forms/school-health-service-east-sussex-referral-form/.


NHS Mental Health page https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/social-care-and-your-rights/how-to-access-mental-health-services/

Kooth is an online mental health community with safe and anonymous support https://www.kooth.com/ 

Shout is a service to support young people having difficulty with mental health.  It is a free 24hour text service https://giveusashout.org/

Anxiety UK https://www.anxietyuk.org.uk

Young Minds https://www.youngminds.org.uk

E-Wellbeing https://e-wellbeing.co.uk/services/e-motion

Childline - call 0800 1111 or https://www.childline.org.uk 

Samaritans - call 116123 or https://www.samaritans.org

Mind https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/


The following charities support families and children who have suffered bereavement:


St. Michaels bereavement service https://1space.eastsussex.gov.uk/Services/2215/St-Michael-s-Bereave

Dragonflies https://www.fsncharity.co.uk/projects/dragonflies-bereavement-project


Child bereavement UK https://www.childbereavementuk.org

Cruse https://www.cruse.org.uk

Winston’s Wish https://www.winstonswish.org

Family Relationships

East Sussex Young Carers (ESYC) support young carers aged 5 to 18.   Email: info@eastsussexyoungcarers.org.uk or telephone: 0300 111 1110

The Sibling Service (SIBs) supports children aged 6 to 17 who have a brother or sister with a disability. SIBs arrange activity days and social events and help to build local support groups.You can contact the SIBs Team here  https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/children-families/family-support/young-carers/siblings

Getting a Good Night's Sleep

We all know that sleep is incredibly important for good physical and mental health.  Primary aged children generally need around ten to eleven hours sleep a night.  Children can sometimes find getting to sleep hard.  Great Ormond Street Hospital has produced an easy read guide to good sleep, which can be found here. 'Me and My Mind' has also produced a useful information sheet with 'Sleep Tips'.

Practical Support

The East Sussex School Health Service offer virtual drop-ins for parents and carers of school aged children.  You will be able to speak to a school nurse in person Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.00am to 3.00pm and 6.00pm to 9.00pm.  You can make contact via https://nhs.vc/east-sussex-school-health or by text 07507 332473.

Greener Futures is an ESF funded project focusing on employability support and green space volunteering for adults not in work who live in the areas of Bexhill, Sidley, St Leonards and Hastings.  Please find a link to their website here and information on lifeskills and employability support and a mini-course Gardening for Beginners.

Bexhill food bank https://1space.eastsussex.gov.uk/Services/2658

Benefits advice  https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/social-care/benefits/help

Housing and homelessness https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/community/cost-of-living-support/your-home

Cost of Living Support https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/community/cost-of-living-support

Support for Eating Disorders

B-eat provides help lines, online support and self-help groups for adults and young people to beat eating disorders. Young people’s live chat Tuesday and Thursday, 5 - 6pm. 

Tel: 0845 634 7650 or text 07786 20 18 20 

Email: fyp@b-eat.co.uk 

Website: www.b-eat.co.uk  

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