At St Peter & St Paul CE Primary we believe that the arts, including music, have a critical role within our curriculum in giving children the opportunity to learn through direct experiences and experimentation. Music is taught across the school by a mixture of music specialists and class teachers. We are well resourced and have excellent facilities, including a Creative Arts Suite (CAS) which is used for teaching music. Music receives an excellent level of funding in our school.
We aim to give children rich and varied experiences for not only making music, but also for listening to music. During their time in school children have the opportunity to hear a variety of professional performances; most recently Kidenza Orchestra performed for our children and a past pupil, now a member of the National Youth Orchestra, returned to perform for the children. We work closely with Sussex Music School, who provide specialist class and individual music tuition, as well as supporting the Music Subject Leader with curriculum development and assessment. The Music Subject Leader is also the Primary Representative for the Sussex Music Hub, Create Music. (
In Early Years and Key Stage 1 the curriculum focus is on rhythm, pattern and the use of voice through singing and rhyme. A music specialist is used in Year 2 to introduce children to the element of performance and using symbols to represent music in simple composition. Children also follow a listening programme to develop their understanding of music history and foster an appreciation of a wide variety of musical genres.
In Key Stage 2 children learn drumming, ukulele and recorder with specialist teachers, they also experience composition, voice technique, music appreciation and the history of music. Children have many opportunities to show case their learning through performances both in school and in the local community. Children are encouraged to bring instruments they learn out of school into their music lessons.
Children also have the opportunity to learn to play the violin, keyboard, flute, trumpet and guitar, as well as learning to sing in 2 and 3 parts as well as rounds. Children are given opportunities to perform to the school, with the year finishing with a ‘Musical Extravaganza’ where children showcase their learning for the year. This is also an opportunity for teachers to perform for children too. The staff choir performs for the children at key moments throughout the year.