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Online Safety

Welcome to our school online safety section. This is here to help you and your child stay safe online when using desktop, tablet and mobile devices.  The section will be updated regularly so please make sure you check back to see our new content.

We encourage our parents to use the Safer Schools app, which is an essential mobile app providing a simple and convenient way for parents to learn about online safety and to help protect their children.  You can find out how to download the app here.

The newsfeed service from Parent Info has been discontinued, but you can find information on the websites below.

Top Tips

Internet Matters has produced a series of ‘Digital Safety at a Glance’ guides for parents of children of five to seven, eight to ten and eleven to thirteen year olds. The guides include issues for parents to be aware of and practical tips for keeping children safe. The guides can be found here: 

Five to seven year olds

Eight to ten year olds

Eleven to thirteen year olds

We hope you find this information helpful. The guides can also be downloaded as pdf files, below.

Picture 1

Useful Websites

The following websites contain some useful information about keeping your children safe online.

Support for children

Childline for free and confidential advice.

UK Safer Internet Centre to report and remove harmful online content.

CEOP for advice on making a report about online abuse.

Report Remove helps young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images and videos of themselves and remove them from the internet.

Take It Down is one step young people can take to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before they were 18.

Parental support

#Ask the awkward – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre guidance to parents to talk to their children about online relationships.

Childnet offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support.

Commonsensemedia provide independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media for children and their parents.

Government advice about protecting children from specific online harms such as child sexual abuse, sexting, and cyberbullying.

Internet Matters provide age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world.

Let’s Talk About It provides advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation.

London Grid for Learning provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online.

Stopitnow resource from The Lucy Faithfull Foundation can be used by parents and carers who are concerned about someone’s behaviour, including children who may be displaying concerning sexual behaviour (not just about online).

National Crime Agency/CEOP Thinkuknow provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online.

Net-aware provides support for parents and carers from the NSPCC and O2, including a guide to social networks, apps and games.

Parentzone provides help for parents and carers on how to keep their children safe online.

Talking to your child about online sexual harrassment: a guide for parents - this is the Children’s Commissioner’s parent guide on talking to your children about online sexual harassment

UK Safer Internet Centre provide tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online.

Parental Guide of the Month

Our parent information this month is about Fortnite. Whilst this game is only recommended for children aged 12 and above, we know many of our children play this and talk about it in school. It is imprtant as parents and carers that you can support them to stay safe in this game. The 'top tips' guide for parents gives advice for safe use of the game and settings. We hope you will find this helpful. 


Top Tip of the Month

Our top tip this month is a link to a page from the Internet Matters website on setting up parental controls on a new device. We realise that over the Christmas break, some children may have received gifts of new devices or consoles. The Internet Matters website has information on parental and safety settings so that parents can ensure their children are safe when using these devices.  We hope you find this information helpful.

Reporting Harmful Content

The RHC button is an asset of SWGfL, a charity working internationally to ensure all benefit from technology, free from harm.

The button has been developed to offer anyone living in the UK a simple and convenient mechanism for gaining access to reporting routes for commonly used social networking sites, gaming platforms, apps and streaming services alongside trusted online safety advice, help and support. It also provides access to an online mechanism for reporting online harm to the RHC service for those over the age of 13 where an intial report has been made to industry but no action has been taken. RHC will review content in line with a sites' community standards and act in a mediatory capacity where content goes against these.

Children under 13 years of age are encouraged to tell an adult that they trust about what has happened and to ask for their help in reporting this going through our how we can help resource together.

RHC also has advice and links to reporting routes for other online harms people may come across or face, such as impersonation, privacy violations and intimate image abuse. 

The RHC button provides a gateway to the RHC reporting pages, an area of the RHC website offering: 

  • links to reporting routes on commonly used sites for 8 types of online harm

  • help, advice and support on what to do if experiencing or witnessing harm online

  • signposting to industry partners reporting forms and the ability to reportlegal but harmful content directly to RHC for further investigation

Reporting to RHC

Reports can be made 24/7 through the online reporting forms and helpline practitioners will review and respond to reports  within 72 hours between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Reports can be made to RHC by anyone over the age of 13. SWGfL operates 3 helplines and to be sure you're getting the right support take a look at the Helpline flowchart to find out who can best support you.

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

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