Year Five
Year Five classes are 5H and 5C.
5H's Teacher is Miss Holder and their Teaching Assistant is Mrs Sargent.
5H's Link Governor is Mrs Botha.
5C's Teacher is Mr Comley and their Teaching Assistant is Mrs Tomlins.
5C's Link Governor is Mrs Tyler.
To find out more about learning in Year 5, please use the following links:
Curriculum Newsletter for Spring
Curriculum Newsletter for Spring 2
The Year 5 'Milestones' for reading, writing and maths can be viewed here.
Year 5 enjoyed battle training and a battle re-enactment, before visiting Battle Abbey, to learn all about the Battle of Hastings...
The children of year 5 had an amazing time on Wednesday, as a finale to their Creative Theme, 'The Battle of Hastings'. All children had to train as a warrior, starting with target practise and archery lessons. They had to learn tactical attack mechanisms, before the culmination - a re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings. A fabulous time was had by all and despite not all of the soldiers surviving ,no children were actually harmed in the brutal battle!