Year Five

Miss M Holder - Y5 Teacher
My name is Miss Holder. I teach Y5 and lead PE and Healthy Schools in our school. I love all subjects but particularly enjoy teaching PE, art, DT, maths, RSHE and geography.
In my spare time I enjoy going to the theatre and the gym. I am an animal lover and have two beautiful cats.
It is a privilege to teach at such a wonderful school.
I am Mr Comley, the teacher of 5C.
I love teaching maths, which I used to struggle with at school, and Italian. I also love working with children on their writing.
In my free time I try to be out in the countryside watching wildlife as much as possible and I am a bit of a bird expert. I also love TV, travelling and going home to rural Hampshire, where my family live. Another passion is music and David Bowie is my hero! In the summer I cycle and swim in the sea every day.