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Our Approach To Assessment

Principles of Assessment

Assessment is the means used to evaluate children’s progress and, as such, it sits at the heart of teaching and learning.  It also helps parents to understand and participate in their child’s educational journey.  Assessment can be through use of questioning or by making a judgement from the work children produce or in the form of tests.

At St Peter and St Paul CE Primary School we use ‘Milestones’ in all subjects to assess progress and identify next steps. These ‘Milestones’ are key aspects of the curriculum, which children must know and understand in depth.  Three times a year teachers review children’s progress against the ‘Milestones’ and summarise their achievement as Emerging (working towards national standards), Expected (working at national standards) and Exceeding (above national standards).  For reading, writing and maths, this information is analysed and discussed during termly Pupil Progress Meetings. The 'Milestones' for reading, writing and maths can be found on our 'Classes' page.

We work carefully to ensure children are assessed consistently and accurately.  Our work incorporates the following agreed principles of assessment:

  1. Assessment is at the heart of teaching and learning

    Assessment for learning is ongoing.  It celebrates and measures achievement and informs planning for teaching and learning across all curriculum areas.

  2. Assessment sets ambitious and appropriate expectations

    Assessment objectives set high but differentiated expectations for all children.  Different types of assessment are used in order to accurately identify knowledge, skills and understanding as well as inform barriers and next steps.

  3. Assessment draws on a wide range of evidence

    Assessments will be made based on a range of evidence including learning that is both recorded and observed.

  4. Assessment is consistent, reliable and transparent

    Assessment is inclusive of all children and expectations for each child are made clear.  It forms part of ongoing dialogues between staff, children and parents.  It is rigorous and moderated carefully to ensure consistency across school. 

  5. Assessment outcomes are meaningful and accessible

    Assessment is a shared process so children understand and take responsibility for their learning and next steps.  Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and relevant information for teachers, support staff, governors and the local authority.  They provide parents and carers with clear information about what their child can do, what their next steps are and how well they are achieving in relation to age-related expectations.

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