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Covid-19 Catch-up Premium Report for the Year 2020-21

Summary Information 

Total Number of Children (October 2020 census) - 417

Catch-up Premium Received Per Child - £80

Total Catch-up Premium Budget - £33,360

Strategy Statement

Our catch-up priorities were to:

  • assess and close gaps in children's learning 
  • support children's social, emotional and mental wellbeing 
  • promote children's learning stamina and resilience 

The support strategies we used were quality first teaching and targeted interventions alongside wider support strategies such as our School Counsellor, School Gardener and Inclusion Manager providing wellbeing services.

The school employed additional teaching and teaching assistant hours to provide specialist teaching for classes, groups and individual children as identified through assessment.

The aim of all our stratgies was to raise the attainment of all children and close the gap created by the disruption to the children's leaning due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The children's progress was monitored closely, as shown below, with the expectation that they met expected standards both in school and national assessments.

Barriers to Learning

The barriers to learning experienced as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic included:

  • Low attendance caused by childen needing to self-isolate
  • Disruption to teaching caused by teaching staff needing to self-isolate
  • Reduced stamina and variation in academic ability caused by the lockdown from March - July 2020
  • Lack of ICT in the home environment and variation in parental support and access to reading books
  • Emotional impact of being away from school and friends during lockdowns
  • Emotional impact of family illness and bereavements

Expenditure and Impact

Additional Speech and Language Support for Reception Children - Following screening of all Reception children using Language Link, groups and individuals were identified for specialist language intervention with our specialist teaching assistant.  The aim was for all Reception children to move up to KS1 with age appropriate language skills.  This support was monitored and overseen by our Inclusion Manager.  Impact: 88% achieved in the Communication and Language ELG.

Phonics Intervention with Year 1 and Year 2 Children - Additional teaching hours allocated to our Inclusion Manager so that she can identify children requiring phonics intervention.  In terms 1 and 2 the focus on Year 2 meant that 87% passed the phonics screening test in December 2020.  The focus in terms 4, 5 and 6 the focus on Year 1 ensured 83% left Year 1 on track to pass the phonics screening test in December 2021.  The support will continue in terms 1 and 2 to ensure more children make rapid progress in phonics and are ready to pass their phonics screening test.

Additional Support for Children in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 - Additional teaching assistant hours allocated to allow for targeted support of children identified in Years 3, 4 and 5.  The support focused on the development of keys skills in writing and maths, ensuring children made the required progress to attain age related expectations.  This was monitored and overseen by our Deputy Head and Senco.  Impact: At the end of the year 86% (Y3), 84% (Y4) and 80% (Y5) attained the expected standard in writing. At the end of the year 81% (Y3), 87% (Y4) and 88% (Y5) achieved the expected standard in maths.

Specialist Writing Support for Children in Year 5 and Year 6 - A specialist teacher will work alongside teachers in Year 5 and Year 6 to provide high quality support in writing for classes and groups.  The support will focus on ensuring the vast majority of children reach age related expectations in writing and identified children exceed expectations.  This will be monitored and overseen by our KS2 Assistant Head.  Impact: At the end of the year 80% (Y5) and 95% (Y6) attained the expected standard in writing and 16% (Y5) and 15% (Y6) achieved at a 'Greater Depth'; an increase of 7% based on prior attainment.

Tutoring Programme - National Tutoring Programme used to support identified children in Years 5 and 6.  The support focused on gaps identified by class teachers' assessments to ensure the children achieved their expected potential.  This was monitored and overseen by our KS2 Assistant Head and Deputy Head.  

Purchase of Active Learn Primary - Resource purchased to provide a virtual book band library to support reading at home.  KS1 and Year 3 children had access to a range of books which were targeted for their needs and supported progress.  The programme was implemented and monitored by the English Subject Leader to ensure children moved through the scheme and made the progress required to attain age related expectations.  Impact: At the end of the year 83% (Y1), 88% (Y2) and 88% (Y3) attained the expected stnadard in reading.

Counselling and Talk Time Support - Additional hours allocated to our School Counsellor to provide Talk Time and counselling for identified children as well as Resilience Training for groups through the course of the year.  This provided wellbeing support for the children, enhanced their readiness for learning and supported transition.  This was monitored and overseen by the Head Teacher.  Impact: Attendance for all of the children identified was 96%+ and attained the expected standard or better in Reading, Writing and Maths.  Transition for all of these children was successful.

Gardening for Wellbeing - Additional hours allocated to our School Gardener to provide outdoor gardening activities for children identified in Year 5.  This provided wellbeing support for the children, enhanced their readiness for learning and supported transition.  This was monitored and overseen by the Year 5 teachers.

All staff monitoring and overseeing the strategies outlined above reported to the Head Teacher.  The Senior Leadership Team analysed the impact and identified next steps at the end of each term.                                                                                                                         

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