Year Three
Year Three classes are 3D and 3R.
3D's Teacher is Mr Davison and their Teaching Assistant is Mrs Courtney.
3D's Link Governor is Mr Whiting.
3R's Teacher is Miss Ralph and their Teaching Assistant is Mrs Joseph.
3R's Link Governor is Ms Vernon-Gill.
To find out more about learning in Year 3, please use the following links:
Curriculum Newsletter for Spring
The Year 3 'Milestones' for reading, writing and maths can be viewed here.
Year 3 welcomed their parents to a Reading Breakfast...
Year 3 really enjoyed their Tinsel Tour where they visited local care homes to share some Christmas cheer...
Year 3 children enjoyed a special breakfast with Mr Davison and Miss Ralph after completing their Christmas challenges set at the end of Term 2...
Year 3 had the opportunity to visit St Peter’s Park Care Home where they met with some residents who were children during WWII...
Year 3 had a wonderful time at Bexhill Museum learning about WWII...
Year 3 enjoyed a river journey, learning how to row through rapids and fast flowing water...
Year 3 children enjoyed exploring foods eaten at Rosh Hashana, for their RE learning...
Year 3 enjoyed a trip to the Cuckmere River and Friston Forest. They walked along the river path, completed scavenger hunts and sketched some of the features of rivers that they have been learning about in class...
Year 3 welcomed their parents to a maths workshop...
Year 3 enjoyed a visit to the De La Warr Pavilion, where they learned all about this famous Bexhill landmark...
Year 3 made and sold 'stained glass window biscuits' and raised £125 for Christian Aid...