
At St Peter and St Paul CE VA Primary School we teach French throughout Key Stage Two. We aim to provide children with the skills in reading, writing and speaking French, as well as an understanding of the French culture and way of life. Our intention is to provide children with a solid foundation in French, and a love of the French language, so that they can confidently build on their knowledge and understanding in the next stage of their education.
In our school we teach our children to:
- ask and answer questions and engage in conversations
- listen attentively and show understanding by joining in and responding
- explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes, and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words
- use correct pronunciation and intonation
- speak in sentences by memorising words and interpreting meaning
- write phrases from memory
- read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing and compare life in French speaking countries to our own.
We use a variety of techniques to encourage children to have an active engagement in language lessons: these include games, role play and songs.
We follow the Rachel Hawkes Primary Scheme of Work, which is a programme recommended by secondary schools. This programme embeds the key strands of Grammar, Vocabulary and Phonics.
To see an overview of our Languages curriculum click here.
Click here for our Languages policy.