Charities and Community Work

Charity Work
Throughout the year all members of our school community take part in a range of activities to support and raise money for charities, both local and national. Our School Council chooses charities each year to support - this year they have chosen Demelza Children's Hospice, the RSPCA and Bexhill Foodbank. These were selected following presentations from each School Council member.
Additionally, as a school, we support the following charities every year:
Bexhill Foodbank - Our children and families are very supportive of this lcoal charity sending in tinned and packet food each Harvest as donations.
Christian Aid - Each year our junior classes are set the challenge of converting £5 into funds for Christian Aid. They organise a variety of events including making and selling milkshakes and designing and selling badges. Each year they raise over £1,000 which is then presented to the Christian Aid representative during a school worship. The children are very proud of this work and are always keen to know how the money is spent.
Operation Christmas Child - Each Christmas our children make shoe boxes full of gifts for girls and boys around the world. Operation Christmas Child says 'A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children's lives all over the world in Jesus' name through the power of a simple gift.'
We also raise money during national events such as the BBC's Children in Need and the Poppy Appeal.
Links with Our Community
Our children are very proud to be members of the wider Bexhill Community and, as such, are always keen to take part in or support community events. Some events are annual, such as our 'Tinsel Tour', where our Year 3 children sing in local care homes during the Christmas period or where our Head Boy and Head Girl play their part in Remembrance Services.
All of this work, both charity and community, helps our children develop a strong sense of purpose and responsibility whilst also allowing them to live out our Christian values.
Life in all its fullness
Alongside our deeply Christian vision and our commitment to allow all to flourish, we embrace the promise of Jesus of 'Life in all its fullness' - John 10:10. We persue educational excellence through questions such as Who am I?, Why am I here? and How shall I live? Each year, we answer these questions through our 'Life in all its fullness' week. Children are given opportunities to think beyond themselves and consider how they can have a positive impact on their local community. Children engage in such activities as entertaining residents of local care homes, making and sending bouquets to the local hospice, baking cakes for charities, and writing prayers for elderly parishoners.